The Biotechnology (BT) test paper comprises of Biology (44% weightage), Chemistry (20% weightage), Mathematics (18% weightage) and Physics (18% weightage).
BIOLOGY (10+2+3 level)
General Biology: Taxonomy; Heredity; Genetic variation; Conservation; Principles of ecology; Evolution; Techniques in modern biology. Biochemistry and Physiology: Carbohydrates; Proteins; Lipids; Nucleic acids; Enzymes; Vitamins; Hormones; Metabolism; Photosynthesis. Nitrogen Fixation, Fertilization and Osmoregulation; Nervous system; Endocrine system; Vascular system; Immune system; Digestive system, Reproductive System. Basic Biotechnology: Tissue culture; Application of enzymes; Antigen-antibody interaction; Antibody production; Diagnostic aids. Molecular Biology: DNA; RNA; Replication; Transcription; Translation; Proteins; Lipids; Membranes; Gene transfer. Cell Biology: Cell cycle; Cytoskeletal elements; Mitochondria; Endoplasmic reticulum; chloroplast; Golgi apparatus; Signaling. Microbiology: Isolation; Cultivation; Characterization and enumeration of virus; Bacteria; Fungi; Protozoa; Pathogenic micro-organisms.BIOLOGY (10+2+3 level)
CHEMISTRY (10+2+3 level)
Atomic Structure: Bohr's theory and Schrodinger wave equation; Periodicity in properties; Chemical bonding; Properties of s, p, d and block elements; Complex formation; Coordination compounds; Chemical equilibria; Chemical thermodynamics (first and second law); Chemical kinetics (zero, first, second and third order reactions); Photochemistry; Electrochemistry; Acid-base concepts; Stereochemistry of carbon compounds; Inductive, Electromeric, conjugative effects and resonance; Chemistry of Functional Groups: hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines and their derivatives; Aromatic hydrocarbons, halides, nitro and amino compounds, phenols, diazonium salts, carboxylic and sulphonic acids; Mechanism of organic reaction; Soaps and detergents; Synthetic polymers; Biomolecules - aminoacids, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates (polysaccharides); Instrumental techniques-chromatography (TLC, HPLC), electrophoresis, UV-Vis-IR and NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, etc.
MATHEMATICS (10+2 level)
PHYSICS (10+2 level)