Jam Chemistry syllabus


Basic Mathematical Concepts : Differential equations, vectors and matrices.

Atomic Structure: Fundamental particles. Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom; Wave-particle duality; Uncertainty principles; Schrodinger's wave equation; Quantum numbers, shapes of orbitals; Hund's rule and Pauli's exclusion principle.

Theory of Gases: Kinetic theory of gases. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law; Equipartition of energy.

Chemical Thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible processes; First law and its application to ideal and nonideal gases; Thermochemistry ; Second law; Entropy and free energy, Criteria for spontaneity.

Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Law of mass action; K p , K c ,K x and K n ; Effect of temperature on K; Ionic equilibria in solutions; pH and buffer solutions; Hydrolysis; Solubility product; Phase equilibria�Phase rule and its application to one-component and two-component systems; Colligative properties.

Electrochemistry: Conductance and its applications; Transport number; Galvanic cells; EMF and Free energy; Concentration cells with and without transport; Polarography.

Chemical Kinetics : Reactions of various order, Arrhenius equation, Collision theory; Theory of absolute reaction rate; Chain reactions � Normal and branched chain reactions; Enzyme kinetics; Photophysical and photochemical processes; Catalysis.


Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry: Isomerism and nomenclature, electronic (resonance and inductive) effects. Optical isomerism in compounds containing one and two asymmetric centers, designation of absolute configuration, conformations of cyclohexanes.

Aromaticity and Huckel's rule: Mono and bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications: Methods of preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, arenes and their simple functional derivatives. Mechanism and synthetic applications of electrophilic aromatic substitution. Stereochemistry and mechanism of aliphatic nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions. Mechanism of aldol condensation, Claisen condensation, esterification and ester hydrolysis, Cannizzaro reaction, benzoin condensation. Perkin reaction, Claisen rearrangement, Beckmann rearrangement and Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement. Synthesis of simple molecules using standard reactions of organic chemistry. Grignard reagents, acetoacetic and malonic ester chemistry.

Natural Products Chemistry: Introduction to the following classes of compounds-alkaloids, terpenes, carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides and nuclei acids.

Heterocyclic Chemistry: Monocyclic compounds with one hetero atom.

Qualitative Organic Analysis: Functional group interconversions, structural problems using chemical reactions, identification of functional groups by chemical tests.


Periodic Table: Periodic classification of elements and periodicity in properties; general methods of isolation and purification of elements.

Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds: Types of bonding; VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules; hybridization; dipole moment; ionic solids; structure of NaCl, CsCl, diamond and graphite; lattice energy.

Main Group Elements (s and p blocks): Chemistry with emphasis on group relationship and gradation in properties; structure of electron deficient compounds of main group elements and application of main group elements.

Transition Metals (d block): Characteristics of 3d elements; oxide, hydroxide and salts of first row metals; coordination complexes; VB and Crystal Field theoretical approaches for structure, colour and magnetic properties of metal complexes.

Analytical Chemistry: Principles of qualitative and quantitative analysis; acid-base, oxidation-reduction and precipitation reactions; use of indicators; use of organic reagents in inorganic analysis; radioactivity; nuclear reactions; applications of isotopes.